ESA title

Documents and publications

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / FutureEO / SMOS

Mission requirements

SMOS Mission Objectives and Scientific Requirements
ESA, 2002

ESA study reports

Synergistic Aspects and Auxiliary Data Concepts for Sea Surface Salinity Measurements from Space
ESA Contract 18176/04/NL/CB, 2005

Soil moisture retrieval by a future spaceborne Earth observation mission
ESA Study Report 14662/00/NL, 2004

Study of the Impact and Relevance of ESA Missions in Operational Oceanography and Climate Research and Monitoring
ESA Contract 14992/01/NL/MM, 2003

Salinity Data Processing Study
ESA Study Report 15165/01/NL, 2002
Scientific Requirements and Impact of Space Observations of Ocean Salinity for Modelling and Climate Studies
ESA Contract 14273/00/NL/DC, 2002

Study of Critical Requirements for Ocean Salinity Retrieval using low frequency Microwave Radiometer
ESA Study Report 13224/98/NL, 2000



Measuring Ocean Salinity with ESA's SMOS Mission
ESA Bulletin 111, 2002

The Second of ESA's Opportunity Missions: The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Mission – SMOS
ESA Earth Observation Quarterly, 66, 2000

SMOS special feature
ESA Bulletin 137, 2009

SMOS over land
ESA Bulletin 152, 2012

More information

A list of SMOS Technical Information and Publications is available here.

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