ESA title
Arctic Weather Satellite components

The instrument

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / Arctic Weather Satellite

The Arctic Weather satellite carries a cross-track scanning microwave radiometer, consisting of a rotating antenna focusing the incoming radiation onto four feedhorns (one for each group of channels) and four receivers, covering the frequency range 50–325 GHz.

Arctic Weather Satellite microwave radiometer
Arctic Weather Satellite microwave radiometer

The different feedhorns focus on a slightly different point on ground, which will be re-mapped during the data processing. The radiometer antenna scans at continuous speed of around 45 RPM. The radiometer is calibrated every antenna rotation, using an on-board calibration target and cold space.

The instrument has 19 channels and the key performances are shown in the table below.

Channel Frequency (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz) Noise Equivalent Delta Temperature (K) Footprint (km) Utilisation
11 50.3 180 <0.6 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
12 52.8 400 <0.4 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
13 53.246 300 <0.4 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
14 53.596 370 <0.4 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
15 54.4 400 <0.4 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
16 54.94 400 <0.4 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
17 55.5 330 <0.5 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
18 57.290344 330 <0.6 ≤ 40 Temperature sounding
21 89 4000 <0.3 ≤ 20 Window and Cloud detection
31 165.5 2800 <0.6 ≤ 10 Window/humidity sounding
32 176.311 2000 <0.7 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding
33 178.811 2000 <0.7 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding
34 180.311 1000 <1 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding
35 181.511 1000 <1 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding
36 182.311 500 <1.3 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding
41 325.15±1.2 800 <1.7 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding/cloud detection
42 325.15±2.4 1200 <1.4 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding/cloud detection
43 325.15±4.1 1800 <1.2 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding/cloud detection
44 325.15±6.6 2800 <1 ≤ 10 Humidity sounding/cloud detection


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