Space is on the agenda at COP 9
ESA invites policymakers attending next week's United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference in Italy to a special side event highlighting the potential of space to aid compliance with the Kyoto Protocol.
The ninth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 9) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change begins on Monday 1 December at the Milan Fair in Milan.
At 6 pm on Wednesday 3 December ESA is hosting a side event at the Bari Conference Room entitled 'LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) from Space: Support to Monitoring and reporting for Kyoto Protocol Annex I countries'.
Present at the side event will be ESA Director of Earth Observation Programmes José Achache, who will give a short briefing on the use of space for environmental intelligence.
There will be a series of presentations on space and national Kyoto Protocol reporting on LULUCF activities first in Greece - given by Dimitris Lalas, Director of the National Observatoryof Athens and Head of the Greek Delegation – then Switzerland – given by José Romero of the Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape – and next Italy – given by Antonio Lumicisi of the Italian Ministry of Environment and Territory – and finally French tropical forests - given by Alain Chaudron of France's Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries and Rural Affairs.
A discussion will follow the last of the briefings. Due to limited availability of conference room seats, confirmation of attendance is required by this Wednesday. Please email as soon as possible.