ESA title
Tracking a tram in Leipzig (Germany)

Railway Freight Wagons Tracking & Reporting

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ESA / Applications / Satellite navigation

Railway Freight Wagons sometimes get lost which illustrates the need for a tracking system. The aim of the project was to develop, up to a level ready for commercial exploitation, a GPS-GSM Location Rx Board (G2LRB) for the existing Wheel Slide Protection (WSP) Electronics of C-Sigma.

On railways freight cars the only electronic unit installed, when present, is typically the WSP electronics, which controls the pneumatic brake to prevent any wheel lock condition which is very damaging for the wheels. The project also demonstrated that the integration of accurate satellite position and velocity data with Wheel Slide Protection data provides an effective means of monitoring the status of the wheels.

The project was initiated in September 2002 and was concluded in December 2003.

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