This video was compiled with a sequence of images taken by the advanced Moon Imaging Experiment (AMIE) on board ESA's SMART-1 during a full lunar orbit, when the spacecraft was flying over the west 'side' of the Moon.
AMIE obtained these images on 29 December 2004, flying over the west edge of the Moon around 70º West longitude. SMART-1 was on an orbit ranging between 1000 kilometres distance (perilune, over the South pole) and about 5000 kilometres distance from the Moon (apolune, over the North Pole).
From these distances, a series of images could be obtained with some overlap between them, that allowed to build a mosaic during a good part of the orbit.
It is possible to note that the images are mirror-inverted. The spacecraft attitude direction is also slightly changing along the orbit.
The beginning of the series shows close-up views of the old highlands areas at the edge of the Orientale basin. Then it is possible to see the edge of Oceanus Procellarum, a Mare area in Sinus Roris (from 30º to 50º North), and the Northern highlands with some conspicuous craters.