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1. Flight Operations Director
The Flight Operations Director is responsible for the entire Mission Control Team, comprising the Flight Control Team, the Flight Dynamics Team and other specialised experts at ESOC that support launches. The 'OD' also conducts the traditional pre-launch GO/NO-GO roll call, in which all supporting teams confirm their readiness for launch.
2. Spacecraft Operations Manager/ Flight Control Team
The Spacecraft Operations Manager is responsible for flight operations as well as training and preparing the Flight Control Team and preparing flight procedures and databases. During the Launch and Early Orbit Phase (LEOP), the team works in the Main Control Room; during the routine phase, each mission is controlled from a Dedicated Control Room.
3. Ground Operations Manager
The Ground Operations Manager together with the ground operations team monitors the availability of the ground station facilities via the ESTRACK Control Centre.
4. Software Coordinator
The Software Coordinator monitors any problems in mission control systems. Solutions can include restarting a failed software subsystem or switching to a 'hot stand-by' backup. The Software Coordinator communicates with the Computer and Communications Centre, where engineers manage ESOC's operational information and communication systems.
5. Project Representative
During LEOP, the Project Representative coordinates all inputs from the industrial support teams who have built the spacecraft.