At the ESNC award ceremony in Munich on 18 October 2010, from left: Thorsten Rudolph (Managing Director of the Application Center for Satellite Navigation Oberpfaffenhofen (AZO), the instigator of ESNC), Helmut Drewes (Agrista), Thomas Beer (Policy Coordinator in the ESA GMES Space Office), and Ulrike Daniels (Business Development Manager of AZO). Helmut Drewes from Agrista is the winner of the GMES Masters prize awarded by German company T-Systems, with the assistance of ESA, in the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) 2010. Drewes has come up with an intelligent system to reduce the risk of funding agricultural projects making agricultural investments more attractive. The startup company Agrista is being ‘reared’ at the ESA Business Incubation Centre in Darmstadt in Germany.