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Group picture at the European CanSat Competition 2023 in Granada, Spain

Highlights of the 2023 European CanSat Competition Reports and Outlook for 2024

05/01/2024 2020 views 20 likes
ESA / Education / CanSat

As we reflect on the achievements of the past CanSat edition, anticipation builds for this year's edition! The revision of the final reports from the participating teams of the 2023 European CanSat Competition has been concluded. The ESA Education team was impressed with the in-depth analyses and outstanding quality of all submitted reports. The 2024 CanSat edition is officially underway with the commencement of numerous national competitions across Europe, now open for registrations. Adding to the excitement are the three new National Organisers that will organize a CanSat Competition in their country for the very first time. 

Highly commended reports 

In June 2023 25 national teams travelled to Granada, Spain, for the 2023 European CanSat Competition. They were tasked to analyze their acquired data and present their results and conclusions in a final report to be submitted to ESA. ESA Education is very pleased by the thoroughness and quality of each submission, well done! Five outstanding reports were selected and deserve a special mention: 

Team Contrail
Team Contrail

Team Contrail from Canada on their design and construction of an integrated wildfire detection system.

Team Phoenix 2
Team Phoenix 2

Team Phoenix 2 from United Kingdom on a soil dust sample experiment to explore the possibility of carbon-based life on another planet.

Project Skyfall
Project Skyfall

Project Skyfall from Czech Republic on the determination of a habitability index on other planets.

Team µCan
Team µCan

Team µCan from Finland on the potential correlation between muon intensity and temperature.

Team Astra Aether
Team Astra Aether

Team Astra Aether from Germany on the assessment of wildfire risk along with a comprehensive failure analysis.

New countries initiating CanSat Competitions 

We are excited to announce three new countries which will have a National CanSat Competition for the first time: LithuaniaSlovakia, and Slovenia. Thanks to expert organisations which are taking the lead nationally as National Organisers, teams from these three countries have the chance to compete nationally and launch their projects! We look forward to also welcoming their national winners during the European Learning and Celebration Event taking place in June 2024! 

A new format for the 2024 European CanSat Event 

From this year onwards, the European CanSat Competition will be transformed into the European Learning and Celebration Event called ‘Space Engineer for a Day’. The winners of the National CanSat Competitions will be invited by ESA at its ESTEC site in The Netherlands. Scheduled to take place on 17-18 June 2024, this non-competitive educational event aims to celebrate the achievements of the participating teams, while providing a firsthand glimpse into the life of an engineer working at ESA. 

The CanSat website has a fresh look 

We are happy to announce that the CanSat website has a fresh look. Notable additions to the refurbished website include the dedicated pages for all National CanSat Competitions, easy access to classroom resources and an overall enhanced user-friendly experience for website visitors.  

Are you eager to participate in a National CanSat Competition this year? Make sure to explore the page of your National Organiser for more information on the competition and the registration process.