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Meet the team: Gamma

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: Frank Marshall
Team members: Alexander Brennecke (Team leader, outreach, Android Application), Till Schlechtweg (Team Leader, Electrical layout, programming), Kevin Neumeyer (hardware, web application), Robin Bley (Android Application), Alexander Ciupka (ground station), Marc Huisinga (ground station), Alexander Feldmann (hardware/ground station/parachute)
School: Europaschule SZ SII Utbremen
Country: Germany
Gamma team
Gamma team

Description of the Cansat missions:
Our secondary mission is to make a really easy to use, plug and play ground station that is available to all people even with no prior knowledge that means everyone can operate our CanSat after a brief instruction, which includes android application and windows application.

We want to measure various values, these being

  • CO²
  • CO
  • Humidity

Progress Report 1:
We dedicated to divide our team into three smaller groups which each contain two to three students. One group is responsible for developing an android application, one is tasked with constructing the CanSat itself and its hardware, and the final group is developing the ground station and antenna.

The construction team is currently developing the CanSat’s layout. The next step will be getting everything working together and programming the ‘Arduino’. The ground station group is developing the software and antenna needed for launching our CansSat. At the moment, we have engaged the help of a frequency professor at the University of Bremen to help us build the antenna. They have also already completed the Graphic User Interface (GUI) for our application and are now working on the ‘backend’. The Android team has programmed the main task and are working on the visual graphic display. Finally, two students are designing and constructing the parachute.

 Progress Report 2:
Last time, we completed the Prototype of our Android Application which means that this time we need to debug for a long time to get it completely running without problems. The ground station is near completion which means we just have to build the hardware - Yagi Uda Antenna (which is planned) and the CanSat itself.

Because most of the needed sensors arrived during the last two weeks, we completed testing each one of them for obvious reasons. Our next steps will be putting everything together and then we have enough time for fine tuning.

Our sponsor money has now arrived, so we have most of our expenses back in our pockets. The parachute was finished by the hardware group and will get some fine tuning and better material.

 Progress Report 3:
Our Android Application is now finished, the ground station is 95% complete with just some minor tweaks left that needed to be made. The CanSat itself is nearly constructed and just needs some more programming as well as technical engineering. The soldering part is done and everything has its respective place. The Parachute is now fully developed and will be made in a facility in Bremen which mostly works with cloth. The Helix Antenna is huge, but is already finished and was tested in the high frequency labor of the University Bremen We hope that every team had a great time building their CanSat and are now mostly looking forward to see our and the other CanSat’s in Action and their constructers. Not to forget the ESA Team that organized the whole competition! Happy weeks till Norway.

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