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Meet the team: RED

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: Andrea Schwanbeck-Rolke
Team members: Tim Argirios Tsagopoulos (Team leader, outreach), Niklas Curtius (Lead designer, recovery system), Jaqueline Budaj ( Lead programmer), Cécile Pot D’Or (calculations), Thilo Bensch (Electronics)
School: Gymnasium Vegesack, Bremen
Country: Germany

Description of the Cansat missions:

The secondary mission consists of operating the satellite through solar power which is going to be provided by light and flexible solar panels.

Progress Report 1:
Our main task up to February was to clarify our possibilities we could actually realize, drawing our main sponsors ASTRO-Motoren into account which provide us experienced engineers to help us shaping our ideas to a realizable level. We did order most of the technical material we need to equip our CanSat with but the essential flexible solar panels are highly specialized and take some time to arrive here for us to use them.      

Progress Report 2:
The team looks back on an overall disappointing month. The solar panels, though promised, have not arrived yet leaving the team with an even tighter time schedule. To compensate this fact R.E.D. improved the electrical design presenting the first circuit diagram for the CanSat. Getting more involved with ecological issues R.E.D. has also tested materials for the can and the recovery system.

Progress Report 3:
The last month has been the most work-intensive one for the R.E.D. team. The solar panels arrived shortly after the stated delay in the last Progress Report and the testing began immediately. Through an intense testing phase the team finished the CanSat construction in all aspects and is now able to finalize the project in assembling the CanSat into the final can. The tests sacrificed some parts which delay the completion of the CanSat to next week just on time for a test launch organized by the ASTRO-Motoren sponsors.

Visit the team's Facebook page.