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Meet the team: RO SAT ONE

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ESA / Education / CanSat
Teacher: Diana Bejan
Team members: Matei Bosîncianu ( team leader, programming, website), Cornel Ghineţ (team leader, data analysis, fundraisin, reports), Ştefan Arădăvoaicei (documentation, design of landing system, photos), Claudiu Neculau (programming, sensors, data analysis), Alexandru Tudose (electronics, hardware), Andrei Gavrilă (data analysis, website), Claudiu Nohai (Cansat and rover design)
School: National College of Computer Science, Piatra Neamt
Country: Romania

Description of the Cansat missions

  • building a rover;
  • collecting data on:humidity, magnetic field, light intensity, the composition of the atmosphere.
  • taking a soil sample;
  • taking pictures during the descending and also after the landing;
  • finding still working satellites.

Progress Report 1:
For the secondary mission we want to collect a set of data which will give us a complex overview about the current state of planet Earth, combining with those from the primary mission. To accomplish it we intend to extend the data acquisition on the ground by building a rover. Its design evolved from a simple car which was going to leave the satellite after the landing, to transform the satellite itself into a rover. We are waiting for the ordered wheels’ motors to be able to start some tests.

Programming and testing the sensors that are necessary to fulfill the secondary mission is in progress. We tested the gas sensors (CO and H2) and remain to calibrate them. We did tests on humidity sensor, accelerometer and magnetometer and now we are working on the light sensor’s calibration.

Progress Report 2:
The rover design is almost done. We are waiting for the necessary materials for the final design in order to start building the real thing, not just some prototypes. The final motors’ model has not arrived yet, but we succeeded in making some tests with another model.

We assembled a first rover version, which consists of an Arduino Pro Mini main board, two sponge wheels, two weak motors, a proximity sensor, a battery and a tail (for a better equilibrium). It was programmed to move around autonomously depending on the obstacles that it encounters.

Programming and testing the sensors required to fulfill the secondary mission are still in progress. The gas sensors (CO, O2 and H2) remain uncalibrated. We are waiting for the carbon dioxide sensor’s arrival. After many attempts to calibrate the light sensor, we have found an already calibrated one.

Progress Report 3:
We have decided on the final rover design. The ordered motors model finally arrived and the rover skeleton is done. We are now mounting all the components in order to do final tests. We finished the landing system design and built some prototypes. Programming and testing the sensors required to fulfil the secondary mission are done. We quit on the hydrogen sensor. At this moment we are working to calibrate all the gas sensors. The rest of the sensors (pressure, temperature, light, humidity, proximity, reflectance and GPS) have been tested. For more information about us and our work here are some useful links:

Visit the team's website.

Visit the team's Facebook page.