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Receiving telemetry from CanSats at the 2018 European CanSat competition

Teams from Hungary and Canada selected for the European CanSat Competition 2019!

14/12/2018 1669 views 11 likes
ESA / Education / CanSat

The ESA Education CanSat team is pleased to announce the student teams that have been directly selected by ESA to participate in the 2019 European CanSat Competition! 

In addition to the winning teams from ESA Member States that have a National Competition*, Hungary and Canada will also be represented by:


  • GRLsat from Gödöllői Református Líceum Gimnázium in Hungary. They plan to take atmospheric measurements to investigate any temperature dependence in the barometric formula. They also proposed 2 physiological experiments: to measure possible cell defects during launch of the CanSat, and to model human blood circulation during flight. 
  • STM-Can(ada)Sat from St. Thomas More Collegiate in Canada.Their mission objectives include creating a comprehensive topographical map of the launch site, as well as measuring greenhouse gas concentrations to determine the local air quality. They intend to analyse any impact of these pollutants or other environmental changes on the surrounding area.


These two teams will now begin the hard work of designing, building and testing their CanSats with support from the ESA CanSat team. They will need to be ready for launch in the European CanSat launch campaign, taking place between 24 and 28 June 2019. With a total of 20 teams expected to participate, all having unique scientific and technical objectives for their secondary missions, it will be an exciting final!

To support all CanSat teams, ESA’s Education Office in collaboration with ESERO have produced a set of new classroom resources, specifically to support students and teachers participating in the European CanSat Competition.

Follow our Facebook page and the ESA CanSat website for updates on the National Competition winners, and be the first to hear the location of European CanSat Final in 2019! If you have been inspired by the ideas from this year’s campaign and would like to take part in a future competition, contact your National organiser here. If you are interested in hosting a competition, or have any other questions, contact the ESA CanSat team via

A CanSat’s insides
A CanSat’s insides

Congratulations to GRLsat and STM-Can(ada)Sat, and good luck to all the student teams competing in National Competitions -  we hope to see you in European CanSat Final!

*In the European CanSat Competition 2018-19, there are National Competitions taking place in: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands, Nordic countries (Norway/Sweden/Finland), Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and the UK. In the framework of the current collaboration agreement between ESA and the Republic of Malta, teams from Malta can also participate through the National Malta CanSat Competition, and the winning team will be guest competitors in the European CanSat Competition.