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Teams at the pilot edition of FYS Design Booster

Navigate Your Satellite Mission with ESA’s FYS Design Booster

26/07/2024 192 views 2 likes
ESA / Education / CubeSats - Fly Your Satellite!

If you are designing a satellite mission, now is your chance to apply for the new Fly Your Satellite! (FYS) Design Booster call for proposals. This exciting ESA Education programme targets student teams working on CubeSat or PocketQube missions, offering them the opportunity to receive invaluable training and support from ESA specialists to consolidate their mission. 

Mega-constellation coverage
Mega-constellation coverage

Need inspiration for your mission? ESA’s Young NAV has got you covered! They are offering a set of navigation-focused mission ideas suitable for student-led nanosatellite missions aiming to submit a proposal for the FYS Design Booster. Use this form to request the Navigation mission ideas white paper. Selected teams that choose one of the Navigation ideas will receive additional support during their participation from ESA’s Navigation Directorate. This support includes technical assistance on mission-related activities, opportunities to connect and receive mentorship from leading experts in Navigation, and mission-tailored advice during meetings and reviews. Use this opportunity to elevate your mission with dedicated assistance from ESA Navigation!

Already have your own mission idea? No problem! The FYS Design Booster programme is open to all mission concepts. Whether you have a unique project in mind or want to explore navigation-focused missions, this programme welcomes all educational missions. 

Your Application Starts Here: Key Links

About the Fly Your Satellite! Design Booster programme

The second edition of the Fly Your Satellite! (FYS) Design Booster is now open to university and tertiary education student teams from eligible states, working on pico- or nanosatellites at either the preliminary or detailed design stage. Supported teams follow a fixed 1.5-year schedule designed to guide them through the design phase of their satellite. This opportunity is ideal for less-experienced teams, offering the chance to receive expert feedback and guidance from ESA specialists on their satellite designs. Additionally, students gain access to training sessions and learn about common practices in the space sector. 

About Young NAV

Young NAV is a community of early-career professionals within ESA's Navigation Directorate.  They contribute to the future of the Directorate by expressing ideas and proposing new programmes and initiatives. Through their support of the Fly Your Satellite! programme, Young NAV aims to raise awareness about navigation as both a space application and a career path. They strive to motivate and attract young talent to the field of navigation while equipping them with relevant knowledge and experience.