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Symposium on Space Education Activities

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ESA / Education / ESA Academy

The Symposium on Space Education Activities provides a forum for university students, professionals working in education and other young professionals to present and discuss their experiences organising, running and/or participating in Educational Activities related to Space.


The symposium takes place every few years, and is hosted by an ESA Member State university selected, and partly funded by the ESA Education Office.

The 1st symposium was hosted in Center of Studies and Activities for Space CISAS “Giuseppe Colombo” of the University of Padova in December 2015 .

The 2nd Symposium on Space Educational Activities took place at the Budapest University of Economics and Technology (BME) in Budapest, Hungary, between 11-13 April 2018.

The 3rd Symposium was hosted by the University of Leicester, alongside UKSEDS and the National Space Academy, between 16-18 September 2019.

The 4th Symposium on Space Educational Activities was hosted by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) between 27-29 April 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. 

ESA is currently searching for a host for the 5th Symposium.

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