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2022 Schedule

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ESA / Education / Fly Your Thesis!

The programme Fly Your Thesis! is composed of 5 main phases, from the idea of the experiment to the data analysis. Please visit the Programme phases page to have a detailed description of each stage and the expected deliverables. The table below defines the milestones for the edition FYT! 2022.

Phase Content Deadline
A.1 Project definition and writing of the proposal for all applicants October 3, 2021, 23:59 CET
A.2 Review of experiment proposal and shortlisting of teams Results will be announced October 8, 2021 at latest
B.1 Completing the Experiment Safety Data Package (ESDP) for shortlisted teams October 17, 2021, 23:59 CET
B.2 Selection Workshop  Workshop: November 9-10, 2021
Selected teams announcement within 2 weeks 
C. Training workshop and experiment development

January 25 - 28, 2022

Several iterations of the Experiment Report and ESDP will be delivered to ESA Academy and Novespace before the campaign on a case by case basis. 

D. Parabolic flight campaign November 2022 (exact dates – TBD)
E. Analysis of results 4 months after the campaign 

Please note that those dates can be subject to change due to external factors.