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Join the 2021-22 Moon Camp Challenge

14/09/2021 6061 views 38 likes
ESA / Education / Moon Camp

Have you thought about your next school trip destination? How about the Moon? You will have to bring your own food, build your own shelter and supply vital resources such as water and air. Better start preparing! Let's begin by planning a Moon Camp where astronauts can live, work and explore the lunar surface.

The Moon Camp Challenge features three levels of complexity for students between the ages of 6 to 19: Moon Camp Discovery (beginners), Moon Camp Explorers (intermediate), and Moon Camp Pioneers (advanced).


Your team can start their 3D design project with the non-competitive Moon Camp Discovery (recommended for 6 to 14 years old, but open up to 19).  Challenge your team to start designing a Moon base, a lunar lander, a lunar orbital space station, a lunar rover, a rocket, or a space suit, using Tinkercad.
For a chance to showcase your skills and compete for a Moon Camp prize, your team can join Moon Camp Explorers (up to 14 years old) where your mission is to 3D design the complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad, and explain your project in a written report to the ESA, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk expert jury.
If you want to take the challenge further join Moon Camp Pioneers (15 to 19 years old) where your team will need to 3D design a complete Moon Camp able to sustain at least 2 astronauts using Fusion 360, and explain your design choices in a written report to the expert jury.

All teams will receive a participation certificate. The winning teams of Moon Camp Explorers and Moon Camp Pioneers will receive ESA and Airbus goodies, and the opportunity to participate in a live webinar with an ESA astronaut.

Explore more about the Moon with the set of interdisciplinary scientific classroom resources and other supporting materials.

Moon Camp is a collaboration between ESA and Airbus Foundation, in partnership with Autodesk.

Get Involved!

Learn more, access the project resources, and join the Moon Camp challenge 2021-22 at

Registrations open: 15 September 2021
Deadline for entry submission: 21 April 2022

Winning Moon Camp Explorers and Pioneers projects announced and winner's webinar: June 2022

If you want to know more about the ESA education activities register here to join us for a live Teach with Space 2021-2022 Information Session, 22 September at 17:00 CEST. We will walk-through each of the annual ESA school projects, providing you with everything you need to know - how to apply, how to get started, and more. In this session we will also announce the new ESA Teach with Space online trainings opportunities for primary and secondary teachers and educators, which will open for registrations soon. These trainings will cover a range of online tools and classroom resources, facilitated by live interactions and complementary Q&A segments.