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ESA astronaut Tim Peake talking to the Moon Camp Challenge winning teams

Moon Camp Challenge final event – watch the webinar with ESA’s astronaut Tim Peake

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ESA / Education / Moon Camp

The first edition of the Moon Camp Challenge has concluded! Throughout the school year, about 300 pupil teams have investigated the Moon environment and worked hard on developing their 3D design of a Moon base. 

The teams behind the 12 winning projects of the Moon Camp Challenge 2018-2019 were invited to participate in a live webinar with European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake. 

Tim congratulated all of the teams for taking part in the challenge and, having seen their entries, said: “Your projects are brilliant, fantastic designs. I really love the way you had thought about the challenges of radiation protection, of life support systems and food productions. It really showed the work and effort you had put in.”

All students were eager to learn more about the future of space exploration and Tim’s experiences as an astronaut. The pupils asked Tim questions that ranged from his experiences on the International Space Station to the growing problem of space debris and how we can address this issue. 

Curious about the future of space exploration, teams asked Tim’s opinion about how humanity can build a permanent settlement on the Moon and when this can be achieved. Tim asked the students for their opinions, having done so much research and work on this topic throughout the course of the Moon Camp Challenge.

Moon Camp Challenge highlight
Moon Camp Challenge highlight

After the question and answer session, Tim left the students with these words of encouragement: “Huge congratulations on being winners for this amazing challenge. I think the work that you’ve done is great! Keep it up. We need bright young scientists and engineers, astronauts and explorers in order to make all of these challenges become a reality. “

Watch the webinar recording here

ESA, the Airbus Foundation and Autodesk would like to thank all the teams and teachers that participated for their effort and great work. Those who did not have the opportunity to participate this year can join the next edition: the Moon Camp Challenge will be back for the school year 2019-2020. Stay tuned! 


The Moon Camp Challenge is an educational and inspirational curricular and interdisciplinary school project run by ESA and the Airbus Foundation, in partnership with Autodesk.