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ESA / Education

Please note that this dates are subject to change without prior notice. For a more detailed schedule of each campaign, please visit

REXUS 9/10 and BEXUS 10/11

1 Sep 2009 Announcement of opportunity
16 Nov 2009 Deadline for applications
20 Nov 2009 Announcement of shortlisted proposals and invitations to workshop
14 - 18 Dec 2009 ESA selection workshop at ESTEC
23 Dec 2009 Announcement of selected experiments
1-5 Feb 2010 Student training week and Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at Esrange in Kiruna, Sweden
19-20 May 2010 BEXUS Critical Design Review (CDR)
8-9 Jun 2010 REXUS Critical Design Review (CDR)
1-10 Oct 2010 BEXUS 10/11 campaign
14-25 Feb 2011 REXUS 9/10 campaign
Jun 2011 Submission of experiment reports

REXUS 11/12 and BEXUS 12/13

1 Sep 2010 Announcement of opportunity
24 Oct 2010 Deadline for applications
29 Oct 2010 Announcement of shortlisted proposals and invitations to workshop
30 Nov - 2 Dec 2010 ESA selection workshop at ESTEC
15 Dec 2010 Announcement of selected experiments
7-11 Feb 2011 Student training week and Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
May/Jun 2011 Critical Design Review (CDR)
tbd Oct 2011 BEXUS 12/13 campaign
tbd Mar 2012 REXUS 11/12 campaign
tbd Jun 2012 Experiment results symposium

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