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Visual for Back to School 2024-2025 with ESA

Save the Date: Back to School 2024-2025 with ESA

19/07/2024 540 views 2 likes
ESA / Education / Teachers' Corner

With a new school year just around the corner, it's time to choose which projects to carry out in the classroom. Discover ESA's exciting school projects and unique teacher trainings opportunities. Use space to infuse fun into your lessons for out-of-this world STEM classrooms!  

School Projects

Every year, ESA and its national ESERO offices run international school projects that engage students in multidisciplinary missions, just like in real-world space activities. Through these projects, students can expand their knowledge of curricular STEM subjects and develop new skills and competences.   

Explore the inspiring projects on offer this year in the overview chart below.  

Project  Sub-category  Suggested for   Description   Registration opens  
Climate Detectives  Climate Detectives   up to 19 years old   Investigate a local climate or environmental problem using Earth Observation data.   9 September 2024  
Climate Detectives Kids  up to 12 years old   Complete Earth Sciences related activities and collect badges.  9 September 2024 
Moon Camp    - up to 19 years old   Design a future space habitat for  astronauts.   10 September 2024  
Mission X   - up to 14 years old   Learn the key elements to keeping fit and staying healthy in space and on Earth.   11 September 2024 
Astro Pi  Mission Zero  up to 19 years old (recommended primary)    Write a simple computer program to take a reading using a sensor on one of the Astro Pi computers on board the ISS and display a personalised picture for the astronauts.  16 September 2024  
Mission Space Lab  up to 19 years old (recommended secondary)   Write a computer program to measure as accurately as possible the speed that the International Space Station (ISS) is travelling.  16 September 2024  
CanSat    - 14 to 19 years old   Design, build and launch a small satellite.   17 September 2024  

By participating in Climate Detectives, Moon Camp, Mission X, Astro Pi and CanSat, your students can learn about Earth’s environment, design an off-world base, train like an astronaut, program a computer onboard the International Space Station, or develop a “micro-satellite”.  

Stay tuned for more details on each school project coming in September!  

For a full timeline of each school project visit the individual project page.  

Teacher training opportunities

Teachers programming rovers to explore the surface of planet Mars
Teachers programming rovers to explore the surface of planet Mars

This school year, ESA and its national ESERO offices are here to offer teachers and educators a selection of training opportunities. Our mission is to support you with inspiring and innovative STEM classroom practices. During the trainings you will discover how the context of space and a range of educational tools and real scientific data can be used to boost the interest and literacy of your pupils in STEM subjects and help them develop the fundamental skills and competences required by school curricula today.  

Are you a primary or secondary school teacher or educator from an ESA Member States, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Slovenia and looking for an international teacher training experience? Register in one of our ESA-led  'Teach with Space’ training sessions at the e-technology lab, our teacher training facility at ESEC/Galaxia in Belgium. Find the current ESA international teacher training opportunities here.  

If you are up for exciting training sessions  in your own country or looking for STEM classroom activities that match your national curriculum and in your own language, explore and contact your national ESERO office here: European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) .