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Enabling & Support

Deployable and deformable: ESA enters a new age of space mirrors for better imaging

04/02/2021 2607 views 18 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

Cast your mind back to times when carnivals and funfairs were still open. Alongside the rollercoasters, games and popcorn stands you find curved mirrors that distort your reflection in funny ways. Similarly, if the mirrors that we send into space become even slightly bent or misaligned, they distort the images of objects we want to investigate.

The unfolded – or deployed – primary mirror of the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. During its 2021 launch, the 18 mirror segments will be folded up to fit inside the launcher
The unfolded – or deployed – primary mirror of the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. During its 2021 launch, the 18 mirror segments will be folded up to fit inside the launcher

When it comes to studying distant astronomical objects and peering at Earth's surface in high resolution, size matters. Bigger mirrors can capture more light, but the larger they get, the trickier it becomes to maintain a perfect shape. Especially when that mirror is made of multiple segments that fold out once the spacecraft reaches its destination. A team of researchers supported by ESA Discovery & Preparation recently looked into how large 'deployable mirrors' could be actively corrected in space to maintain their perfect shape.

"When we launch large systems made up of one or several segments, the mirror can deform for various different reasons," explains ESA Engineer Pascal Hallibert who oversaw the study. "These include being released from Earth's gravitational pull, experiencing intense changes in temperature and being subject to strong vibration during launch."

An 'active' support system for a ground-based telescope, consisting of many motors that changed the mirror’s shape
An 'active' support system for a ground-based telescope, consisting of many motors that changed the mirror’s shape

"In the past, we were happy with the resolution we are able to achieve with imperfect mirrors, but space research and its applications are getting much more ambitious. To look at the Universe and Earth’s surface in more detail, we need to adjust the mirrors using active optics."

An active optics system involves monitoring the light reflected from the mirror into the telescope's optical system and adjusting the mirrors' shape to correct for any distortions that might be present in the reflected light. This is achieved, for instance, using tiny motors underneath the mirror or by generating an electric charge within the mirror material.

"ESA began R&D into deformable mirrors about ten years ago, and more recently the Agency has been looking into the full correction loop including the system that senses aberrations in incoming light," continues Pascal. "The real added value of this study was to look at active correction specifically for deployable mirrors."

Model developed in this study for an active mirror on a science mission stowed for launch (left) and deployed (right). Because the scientific mission would be in a more stable thermal environment, the mirror would probably need to be adjusted only after launch and before and after observation stretches.
Model developed in this study for an active mirror on a science mission stowed for launch (left) and deployed (right). Because the scientific mission would be in a more stable thermal environment, the mirror would probably need to be adjusted only after launch and before and after observation stretches.

Led by Thales Alenia Space, the study aimed to identify the technical challenges associated with active optics for deployable space mirrors, design an active correction loop, and define a technological roadmap towards developing such a loop.

In particular, the team looked at active optics for a space telescope to image and characterise Earth-sized exoplanets and an Earth observation satellite to look at Earth's surface in high resolution from geostationary orbit.

"To look for Earth-sized exoplanets, we need a resolution two to three orders of magnitude higher than we can achieve now. This requires bigger, deployable mirrors. For Earth observation, we need ultra-stable mirrors for applications like security and disaster management that require high resolution images of Earth's surface," explains Pascal.

Model developed in this study for an active mirror on an Earth observation satellite in geostationary orbit. The mirror would need to be adjusted continually as the satellite’s thermal environment changes frequently as it orbits Earth.
Model developed in this study for an active mirror on an Earth observation satellite in geostationary orbit. The mirror would need to be adjusted continually as the satellite’s thermal environment changes frequently as it orbits Earth.

Active optics has been used in ground-based astronomy for three decades, with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) building the first ever telescope to have a computer-controlled main mirror. ESA is collaborating closely with ESO on active optics, with the aim of exchanging information and advice.

The active optics system that changes the shape of the main mirror on ESO’s Very Large Telescope. The wavefront sensor monitors incoming light and feeds this information into a computer that tells actuators how to change the shape of the mirror.
The active optics system that changes the shape of the main mirror on ESO’s Very Large Telescope. The wavefront sensor monitors incoming light and feeds this information into a computer that tells actuators how to change the shape of the mirror.

"Some of the technology already developed for ground-based astronomy can be reused or built upon for space applications," explains Pascal. "But on the ground, active optics mainly corrects for gravitationally induced deformations, whilst in space we need to focus more on gravity and moisture release, manufacturing and alignment errors, temperature variations and launch effects."

The study highlighted that more work is needed to strengthen the efficiency of active correction loops working as a single system. Furthermore, although ESA has worked a lot on deformable main mirrors in recent years, most high-contrast imaging instruments will need additional deformable mirrors inside them with a very high number of actuators, complementing those already space-qualified; these require specific further development. Because missions requiring active optics are ambitious, expensive, and something we can expect to see in the longer-term future, a next step would also be testing active optics in a 'demo mission'.

A prototype mirror that can be deformed by piezoelectric actuators, produced through ESA’s General Support Technology Programme and tested in ESA’s Mechanical Systems Laboratory. This secondary mirror would correct for defects generated by much larger primary mirrors. The study carried out by Thales Alenia Space considered active optics for both primary and secondary mirrors.
A prototype mirror that can be deformed by piezoelectric actuators, produced through ESA’s General Support Technology Programme and tested in ESA’s Mechanical Systems Laboratory. This secondary mirror would correct for defects generated by much larger primary mirrors. The study carried out by Thales Alenia Space considered active optics for both primary and secondary mirrors.

"The technologies identified in this study are really going to enable future large deployable missions," concludes Pascal. "It's an original European approach to deployment and correction of image quality and stability in deployable optics."

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