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Enabling & Support

The Discovery Campaign on off-Earth manufacturing and construction

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

Below is the list of some of the Discovery programme projects resulting from ideas submitted through the Open Space Innovation Platform (OSIP) Campaign 'Off-Earth Manufacturing and Construction'.

Energy-efficient regolith compactor for surface construction (Astronika)

Rhizome: Development of an autarkic design-to-robotic-production and -operation system for building off-Earth habitats (TU Delft)

LUPIN: Lunar Lithography Manufacturing (Lithoz)

Off-Earth manufacturing through self-growing 3D printer (Università degli studi di Trieste)

Fused layer deposition of lunar regolith (RWTH Aachen)

R2D2 (Reliable Robust Dust Deflecting) plug and socket (MAANA Electric)

SMARTIE: Smart Resource Management based on Internet of Things to support Off-Earth Manufacturing of Lunar Infrastructures (Liquifier Systems Group)

Analysis of space debris recycling potential to supply raw materials for construction on the Moon (Orbit Recycling)