What is the CDF?
The Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with a network of computers, multimedia devices and software tools, which allows a team of experts from several disciplines to apply the concurrent engineering method to the design of future space missions. It facilitates a fast and effective interaction of all disciplines involved, ensuring consistent and high-quality results in a much shorter time.
It is primarily used to assess the technical and financial feasibility of future space missions and new spacecraft concepts (e.g. internal pre-phase A or Level-0 assessment studies) providing:
- new mission concept assessment
- space system trade-offs and options evaluation
- new technology validation at system/mission level
as well as:
- payload instrument conceptual design
- reviews of industrial phase A studies
- scientific requirements definition and consolidation
- anomaly investigation
- education and training
The Concurrent Design Facility was established at ESTEC in November 1998 within the framework of the General Studies Programme.