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Enabling & Support

Supporting the Concurrent Design Facility (CDF)

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Onboard Computers and Data Handling

ESA's Data Systems Division of TEC is constantly providing technical support in the field of avionics and data management architecture to the CDF.

The Concurrent Design Facility (CDF) is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with a network of computers, multimedia devices and software tools, which allows a team of experts from several disciplines to apply the concurrent engineering method to the design of future space missions. It facilitates a fast and effective interaction of all disciplines involved, ensuring consistent and high-quality results in a much shorter time.

Recent CDF activities

Here is a list of the recent CDF activities supported by our team of engineers:


SAGA - Security And cryptoGrAphic mission


QPPF - Quantum Physics Platform


GAIA NIR - Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics - Near Infra-Red

ARIEL - Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey

M-ARGO - Assessment of Standalone Interplanetary CubeSat Mission


ARIEL - Atmospheric Remote-Sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey

COUPLED - SysNova Concept Study of Cubesat Opportunity Payload Inter-Networking Sensors (COPINS)


PRIDE ISV - Programme for Reusable In-orbit Demonstrator in Europe - Innovative Space Vehicle

CLEO/P - Assessment of a Jovian Moon Flyby Mission as Part of NASA Clipper Mission

CLEO/P - Assessment of a Europa Penetrator Mission as Part of NASA Clipper Mission

d.Deorbit - Assessment of a Joint ESA/DLR In-Orbit Demonstration Mission


VEGA 3S - Small Spacecraft Missions Standardisation for Vega Launches

AVUM ADR - Active Debris Removal with Modified AVUM

HRLPM - Assessment of Human Robotic Lunar Partnership Mission

MAPPER RDV - Assessment of MAPPER Study with Rendezvous Option

MarsFAST - Assessment of an ESA Fast Mobility Mars Rover

EC2ETS - European Contribution to Exploration Transportation Systems


COBRA - Contactless Earth-Bound Orbit Modification Using Chemical Propulsion


AIM - Asteroid Impact Mission


IXV EVO - Assessment of Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle Evolution

LOFT - Large Observatory for X-Ray Timing

VAC - Post ATV Derivative Concept

ECHO - ExoPlanet Characterisation Observatory

Envisat De-Orbit - Assessment Study for an Envisat De-Orbit Mission

MMSR - Moons of Mars Sample Return Assessment

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