ESA title
Enabling & Support


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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Engineering & Technology / Software Systems Engineering

A series of projects that developed a qualified version of RTEMS.

  • In 2006 ESA/Portuguese Task Force started an initiative to develop a support and maintenance CENTRE for RTEMS operating system in Europe with focus in the space community. RTEMS CENTRE – Support and Maintenance Centre to RTEMS Operating System was born. RTEMS CENTRE started officially with the RTEMS version. A full analysis of RTEMS operating system was produced. The architecture was analysed in terms of conceptual, organizational and operational concepts. The original objectives of the centre were primarily to create and maintain technical expertise and competences in this RTOS, to develop a website to provide the European Space Community an entry point for obtaining support (, to design, develop, maintain and integrate some RTEMS support tools (Timeline Tool, Configuration and Management Tools), to maintain flight libraries and Board Support Packages, to develop a strong relationship with the World RTEMS Community and finally to produce some considerations in ARINC-653, DO-178B and ECSS E-40 standards.


  • The RTEMS Improvement was the continuation of the RTEMS CENTRE activities which the primary objective was to improve RTEMS product and its documentation in order to facilitate the qualification of RTEMS for future space missions, taking into account the specific operational requirements and target environment.


  • The RTEMS LEON Upgrade objectives followed, with three tasks: (a) the implementation of the requirements identified in the RTEMS Improvement Software Criticality Analysis, [RD 22] of the RTEMS Improvement project, ESA Contract Number 21141/07/NL/JD (b) the replacement of GCC 4.2.1 (used in RTEMS Improvement Project) and Binutils 2.18 (Assembler and Linker) for newer versions, and (c) the technical support for RTEMS Tailored in the European Space Agency IMA projects (Xtratum, AIR, and PikeOS).


  • The RTEMS Qualification Extensions identified the users’ needs for communication protocols interfaces and services, and analysed the recent RTEMS versions for management of communications interfaces and monitoring of kernel events. It then proceeded to implement the support for Spacewire and MIL-STD-1553 interfaces for a typical LEON3 processor, and added support for kernel and application monitoring services - providing a qualification package for the modified RTEMS version.

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