ESA title
Enabling & Support

European industry at the Spaceport

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation / Europe’s Spaceport

One of the tangible signs of Europe at the Spaceport is the presence and active participation of European industry.

Companies with a permanent presence at the Spaceport fall into the following groups.

CISG - Guiana Industrial Space Community

This group includes ESA, CNES and Arianespace as an observer, plus the following companies:

  • Air Liquide Spatial Guyane - operates the liquid oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen plants as well as the helium production and storage unit;
  • Airbus Safran Launchers - responsible for Ariane 5 launcher integration, the Booster Storage Building as well as booster integration and operation at the Booster Preparation Building;
  • Europropulsion - operates the Booster Assembly Building where solid rocket motor is assembled;
  • Regulus - operates the Guiana Propellant Plant (UPG).

UEBS - Union of Industries at the Launch Base

This consists of members of the CISG together with another 28 European industrial partners. UEBS came into being in 1991 to ensure that all companies operating at the spaceport follow the same regulations. There are also a number of companies, mainly local, that work as subcontractors to UEBS members.

Other European companies also work sporadically at the Spaceport although they do not maintain a permanent presence there. They are involved in specific activities such as supplying telecommunication networks and fluid installations or providing software.

All these companies make an important contribution to the running of the Spaceport and highlight its European nature - an essential element of the Spaceport.

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