ESA title
Towards a space transportation ecosystem
Enabling & Support

ESA looks to transform Europe’s space transportation capability

19/09/2023 1395 views 11 likes
ESA / Enabling & Support / Space Transportation / Future space transportation

On Earth, raw materials and finished goods move from source to destination with the help of a highly developed logistics network. ESA believes the same will be true in space in the future – made possible by a new generation of reusable launchers, in-space delivery vehicles and orbiting fuel depots. 

For those vehicles to work together in space, they will need a set of standard interfaces that allow them to rendezvous, transfer payloads, dock and refuel in orbit. Standard interfaces will make it easier for new vehicles to be developed and join the network. ESA believes this system should establish a European standard, so that the transportation network can operate independently of support from outside of Europe. 

Helping the European private sector to develop such technological building blocks is an important focus of ESA's Future Launchers Preparatory Programme (FLPP). Indeed, ESA's vision for its own transformation is to become one client among many of an independent and impactful European space industry. In this model, ESA – often working through FLPP – acts as a key enabler. 

One current project aims to help private sector partners develop proof-of-concept in-space transportation vehicles. These vehicles will be able to dock with target spacecraft and cargo in-orbit, take on payloads, carry them to their final orbits – and refuel themselves from orbiting propellant depots.  

A first phase was successfully performed by consortia selected by ESA – led by D-Orbit, The Exploration Company, OHB System, S.A.B. Aerospace and Thales Alenia Space France. Now, the project is moving on to a second phase, where preliminary designs will be developed with a view to flying a proof-of-concept mission in two to three years. 

Maturing disruptive technologies

Another FLPP project looks to accelerate the development of the many underlying technologies needed for such a system – for example through rapid prototyping and testing. Here, ESA has issued a call for ideas to kick off FLPP’s Future Innovation Research in Space Transportation – or FIRST! – initiative. This FIRST! 1 project is focused on four technology areas:

  • reusable thermal protection for launchers 
  • innovative joining technologies 
  • advanced composite structures 
  • lightweight stainless steel stage tanks and structures 

Technology providers (for example from industry or universities), service providers, industrial primes, and investors will be submitting idea proposals to this FIRST! 1 project by 30 September 2023. Selected initial submissions will be followed by invitations to submit full proposals and to attend a pitch day; in the most promising cases, there will be a further invitation to tender for a technology disruptors maturation contract. 

For more details, see this guide to FIRST! 1