ESA title

Thomas Pesquet

17/03/2014 4357 views
ESA / Newsroom / Highlights

ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission on the International Space Station, on 17 March, 2014, at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

The assignment of the French-born astronaut was announced by ESA’s Director General Jean Jacques Dordain in the presence of the French Minister for Higher Education and Research, Geneviève Fioraso, and the President of the French space agency, CNES, Jean-Yves Le Gall.

  • Science & Exploration

    Press conference announcing the assignment of Thomas Pesquet to a long-duration mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 841 views 2 likes
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    Assignment of Thomas Pesquet to a long-duration mission to the ISS
  • Science & Exploration

    Press conference announcing the assignment of Thomas Pesquet to a long-duration mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 712 views 0 likes
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    Assignment of Thomas Pesquet to a long-duration mission to the ISS
  • Science & Exploration

    Press conference announcing Thomas Pesquet's mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 685 views 1 likes
    Open item
    Press conference announcing Thomas Pesquet's long-duration mission to the ISS
  • Science & Exploration

    Press conference announcing the assignment of Thomas Pesquet to a long-duration mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 892 views 2 likes
    Open item
    Assignment of Thomas Pesquet to a long-duration mission to the ISS
  • Science & Exploration

    Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 3578 views 17 likes
    Open item
    Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission to the ISS
  • Science & Exploration

    Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 1079 views 3 likes
    Open item
    Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission to the ISS
  • Science & Exploration

    Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission to the ISS

    17/03/2014 4876 views 61 likes
    Open item
    Thomas Pesquet has been assigned to a long-duration mission to the ISS