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N° 2–2005: ESA Director General to meet the press in Paris

10 January 2005

On Friday 21 January, ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain will meet the media at ESA Headquarters in Paris. The gathering will start at 08:30 with breakfast, followed at 09:00 by a press conference to take stock of the Agency's activities in 2004 and announce those planned for 2005.


Media representatives wishing to attend are kindly requested to complete the attached accreditation form and return it, preferably by fax, to the ESA Media Relations Division in Paris (Fax : +33(0)

For further information, please contact :

ESA Media Relations Division

Tel.: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)


ESA Director General's press breakfast

Friday 21 January 2005 - 08h30

ESA - 8/10, rue Mario Nikis - 75015-Paris

First Name :_________________Surname :___________________

Media: _________________________________________________

Address : ______________________________________________


Tel:_______________________ Fax :_______________________

Mobile : __________________ e-mail :_____________________

[ ] I will be attending the press breakfast.

[ ] I will not be attending.

Please fax this form back to :

ESA Media Relations Division

Tel: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)


For further information:

ESA Media Relations Division

Tel: +33(0)

Fax: +33(0)