N° 15–2009: Visit the ESA pavilion at “Le Bourget 2009”
4 June 2009
The 48th International Paris Air Show will open its doors on Monday 15 June, until Sunday 21 June. Almost 2,000 exhibitors will be present and over 200,000 visitors are expected to attend this traditional event which this year has special significance as it celebrates its 100th anniversary (the first Paris Air Show was held in 1909 in the city’s Grand Palais).
Space provides indispensable technologies and services for a knowledge-based society and increases our understanding of our planet and Universe. To show how all this is becoming reality to a variety of target groups - decision makers, media and the general public - ESA will be present at Le Bourget with a special dedicated 500 m2 pavilion. This can be found as usual between the full-size models of Ariane 1 and Ariane 5, just a few steps from the Air and Space Museum.
Visitors will be able to discover the latest European achievements and ongoing programmes in space science and robotic exploration, telecommunications and integrated applications, navigation, Earth observation, launchers, human spaceflight and technology through space hardware, impressive scale models, stunning images and other fascinating exhibits.
The press will be able to meet ESA Director General Jean-Jacques Dordain and many ESA Directors at a press conference on Monday 15 June at 17:00 hrs.
Several other ESA experts in various disciplines will be on hand for interviews during the entire Air Show. ESA astronauts, in particular the new class of 6 “rookies”, will also be available to reach out to media and visitors on Tuesday, 16 June.
Press and trade visitors are welcome during the show (07:00-19:00 hrs for the Press and 09:30- 18:00 for the professional visitor), while the general public is welcome from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 June 09:30-18:00 hrs).
Note: Media representatives interested in attending the events at the ESA Pavilion are requested to fax back the attached form, duly filled out, by Friday 12 June (fax + 33 1 5369 7690). Do not forget to bring your press card or your press credentials.
Media representatives can obtain free access to the Air Show by accrediting via GIFAS (tel. + 33 1 44 43 17 53/ 62, email press@gifas.asso.fr or via the their website at http://www.paris-air-show.com)
For more information:
Media Relations Office
Communication and Knowledge Department
Phone + 33 1 5369 7299
Queries media @ esa.int
Reply form: Paris Air Show Le Bourget 2009- 15/21 June 2009
Last name: _________________________
First Name: _________________
Media organisation: ______________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________ Mobile: ___________________
email: ________________________
I will attend the following events at the ESA Pavilion:
Monday 15 June
( ) 17:00- 18:30
Press conference with the ESA Director General and Programme Directors
Tuesday 16 June
( ) 11:00- 12:30
"Human spaceflight and exploration in Europe: progressing towards the future": meeting with ESA Director-General Jean-Jacques Dordain, Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of Human Spaceflight and the new class of 6 “rookies” ESA astronauts.
Please fax to Brigitte Kolmsee + 33 1 5369 76 90 or email: brigitte.kolmsee@esa.int by Friday 12 June.