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Public Release of Official ESA Documents and Information

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ESA / Newsroom

As part of an ongoing process aimed at improving transparency in the working of ESA, and thereby better informing stakeholders and the general public of proposals, activities, and policies of the agency, a number of measures are being implemented to ease access by the general public and media to ESA official documents and information.

Among ESA official documents, the following may be released to the public:

  • Regulations and Rules that Council adopts or amends, whenever designated as releasable. It includes: ESA procurement regulations, the general clauses and conditions for ESA contracts, ESA security regulations, rules on information, data and intellectual property, ESA financial regulations, ESA staff regulations and additional rules on arbitration.
  • The calendar of, and the list of main topics covered during ESA official meetings.
  • The final versions of the documents on the subscription to optional programmes at Council meeting held at Ministerial level (referred to as “Document 100”).

Furthermore, the Director General may propose for public release, on a case-by-case basis, any document that presents an interest for the general public, including without limitation:

  • Council Resolutions; this is following up and extending the established practice to publish Resolutions adopted by the Council at Ministerial level;
  • Agreements concluded by ESA, subject to mutual consent between the parties of such agreements.

Finally, in order to further increase transparency and support journalist access to information, projects and activities, ESA provides specifically to media:

For further media queries, please contact ESA is committed to either acknowledge or answer within two hours. Working hours are Monday to Friday 8.30-17.00 CET.