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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Copernicus / Sentinel-5P

Launch: 13 October 2017

Launcher: Rockot from Plesetsk, Russia

Orbit: Polar, Sun-synchronous at altitude of 824 km and in flight formation with Suomi-NPP of US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Revisit time: Daily global coverage (13:30 local solar time)

Life: Minimum of seven years (carries consumables for 10 years)

Satellite: 3.35 m high, 5.63 m diameter and a mass of 820 kg (including 82 kg fuel)

Instrument: Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (Tropomi)
Swath width of 2600 km covering bands in ultraviolet and visible (270–495 nm), near infrared (675–775 nm) and shortwave infrared (2305–2385 nm) at a spatial resolution as high as 7 km x 3.5 km 

Receiving stations: Scientific data: transmitted to Svalbard (NO) and Inuvik (CA)
Telemetry data: transmitted to Kiruna (SE), Svalbard and Inuvik
Telecommand: from Kiruna

Data processing and dissemination: DLR German Aerospace Center 

Main applications: To provide global information on a multitude of atmospheric trace gases, aerosols and cloud distributions affecting air quality and climate

Mission: Developed jointly by ESA and Netherlands Space Office, managed by ESA

Funding: ESA Member States, Netherlands Space Office and the EU

Prime contractors: Airbus Defence and Space UK & NL

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