Teachers: José F Romero and Pablo Luis de la Fuente
Team members and roles: Javier Ferrater Ruiz (communication and advertisement), Jiho Yang (telemetry), Álvaro Franco González (theoretical design), Roberto Sánchez Izquierdo (programmer), Alejandro García Hernández (system validation), Santiago Lobo Ojeda (practical design), Jorge Hellín (programmer).
School: Colegio Retamar

Country: Spain

Description of the CanSat Missions:The secondary mission is to turn the CanSat toward the Sun. The scientific objective is to take measurements of the solar radiation. We have seen how the Hubble inertia wheels function during our training for the Physics Olympiad. The implementation of this system in a CanSat is our challenge. We want to measure the solar radiation at several wavelengths. We have found very interesting spectrometry. We are not certain that the use of photoresistors will be sufficient.
The mass limitation and sensitivity to orientation are some of the constraints that might make us use other kind of sensors. The accuracy of measures under these constraints will be tested in the lab. The solar radiation must change with the Sun elevation and the gas in the atmosphere. The registered data can give information about the composition of atmosphere.

Progress: We participated in the International CanSat Competition in April in Segovia as a rehearsal for the European one. We presented the sensors and GPS telemetry as well as an SD Card that allows us to store the data in case the telemetry fails. Furthermore, we have designed our own Yagi-Uda Antenna, which we have already tested in an anechoic chamber in the Politecnica University of Madird and in open spaces.
We have also worked in Tecnun Laboratories in the University of Navarre for 17 days, and we have made some pieces for the CanSat with 3D printers, have made the external and internal structure of the CanSat with fibre glass and a PCB for the L293D motor controller chip. We have also designed a system of parachute opening using servos, since we want the CanSat to fall in a horizontal configuration. During the last few days we have been testing the electric consumption of the whole CanSat.
Last update: 24 August 2010

team website

 •  DeSoto (http://www.retamarcansat.blogspot.com/)