Exercise 2 : Visual interpretation using terrestrial photographs

If you have time, you can link photos taken on the ground to a point-shape file draped over the satellite image. In this way you can localise the photos in the satellite image.

Download the images taken on the ground (zip folder on right).

Go to File > Open the *.jpg images in LEOWorks or Windows Explorer to look at the photos.

To find corresponding structures in the satellite image FCCs, we have to drape the point-shaped file over the image:

GIS > GIS Tools
File > Open Theme > photo_points.shp
Choose UTM >WGS 84 > WGS 84 > 33 > North.

Go to Edit > Theme Tools

You can see that every point has an attribute for the name of a photo. Assign the ground photos to the corresponding location in the satellite image by creating a Hot Link.

To do that, follow the steps in the LEOWorks tutorial p. 117 – 121.
Last update: 17 April 2013


 •  Introduction (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Disasters_EN/SEMX0BMSNNG_0.html)

Change Detection and Hazard Assessment

 •  Worksheet introduction (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Disasters_EN/SEMD4BMSNNG_0.html)
 •  Exercise 1: Exploring the volcano (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Disasters_EN/SEMMTBMSNNG_0.html)
 •  Exercise 3: Lava detection: crisis images and maps (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Disasters_EN/SEM4NJMSNNG_0.html)
 •  Exercise 4: Hazard assessment: GIS can help! (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Disasters_EN/SEM6DKMSNNG_0.html)

Eduspace - Download

 •  Etna_Landsat_GIS.zip (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/eduspace/Volcanoes_Exercise_Data_1.zip)

Eduspace - Software

 •  LEOWorks 3 (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/LEOWorks3.exe)
 •  LEOWorks 3 Tutorial (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/leoworks3-tutorial.pdf)