Κανάλια MSS Landsat Area near Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The pixel size is of 30 metres. Landsat - Kανάλι 2 Area near Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The pixel size is of 30 metres. Landsat - Kανάλι 3 Area near Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The pixel size is of 30 metres. Landsat - Kανάλι 4 Area near Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark. The pixel size is of 30 metres. Εικόνες ψευδούς χρωματισμού από τον Landsat False colour composite image based on Landsat data in the near infrared, red and green channel. Green vegetation is seen as shades of red. Settlement and bare soil areas are seen as bluish. |