Analysis of satellite images

This exercise is divided into four parts and requires the use of LEOWorks.
Part 1
In this exercise, we will use the LEOWorks software to analyse the satellite images, and extract information from them. The two satellite images that we will use were taken by the Landsat satellite. Find out more about Landsat here.

Download the which contains the following images:
  • Landsat TM.
    Acquired on 25 January 1994
    Path: 136, Row: 41
    • LandsatTM_1994_b1.tif
    • LandsatTM_1994_b2.tif
    • LandsatTM_1994_b3.tif
    • LandsatTM_1994_b4.tif
  • Landsat ETM+
    Acquired on 28 January 2003
    Path: 136, Row: 41
    • LandsatETM_2003_b1.tif
    • LandsatETM_2003_b2.tif
    • LandsatETM_2003_b3.tif
    • LandsatETM_2003_b4.tif
    • LandsatETM_2003_b5.tif
    • LandsatETM_2003_b6.tif
Start LEOWorks and open all the 1994 images.
You can enhance them by using Interactive Stretching (Enhance>Interactive Stretching). They look different because they are from different parts of the spectrum.

1. Compare the images and see if you can spot the differences.

Now you can examine the colour images by combining the three different bands. The band combination 3-2-1 will give you a natural colour image. For example, vegetation will appear in green. However, green vegetation absorbs visible light for photosynthesis and reflects near infrared light.

If you replace the green band with the near infrared band, then you can extract more information, particularly about vegetation. As the reflection of the near infrared light is shown in Band 4, combine the image with the band combination 4-3-2.

Name this 'FCC_1994_b432' and save it as a different tiff file.
Inspect both images.

2. Try to find out where, in the images, the following features occur:
    • Forest cover
    • Water
    • Sand
    • Agricultural land
    • Other non-forest areas

Describe and compare the false colour image with the natural colour image. Concentrate mainly on the forest cover.

3. What colour does the vegetation have in the false colour image?


Last update: 16 April 2013

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