
This exercise requires the use of LEOWorks.
Shillong, a city and its surroundings
In these exercises we will use satellite images that show the city's resources. We will study the land cover by constructing colour images of the Shillong area.

Download the files '' and ''. From each year, there are images from band 1 to band 6.

Open the LEOWorks programme.

Open the Shillong_1999_Bd4.tif, Shillong_1999_Bd3.tif and Shillong_1999_Bd2.tif images. To make a colour image, choose Image/Combine from…/(Red Green Blue).

First make a false colour combination (FCC) image. Select Bd4 for the red colour on your display, Bd3 for the green colour on your display, and Bd2 for the blue colour.

Save the image using the name 'Shillong_1999_Bd432'. Inspect the image. Choose Image Information.

1. Based on the pixel size information and the number of pixels, can you calculate the width of the image in metres?

Colours in a FCC reflect different land cover. Where the red band is selected for the near infrared band green vegetation is shown in shades of red.

2. Can you explain why?

Look at the image and study its topography.

3. Describe the topography of the area.

4. In which direction are the valleys aligned?

Choose Cursor position Value.

5. Describe the city and its adaptation to the surrounding area.

6. Can you identify zones or directions in which the city could expand?

Try to construct a 321 colour combination. This image shows the true colours.
Compare with the 'Shillong_1999_Bd432' you made above.

7. Which one of the two images is best for distinguishing between urban area and green vegetation?

Try out a 543 colour combination as well.
Open the 2004 images and construct the same colour combinations as you did above.

8. Can you detect any changes from 1999 to 2004?

9. Can you write a small essay on the possible expansion of Shillong?

Last update: 16 April 2013

Shillong and Guwahati

 •  Introduction (
 •  Shillong (
 •  Guwahati (


 •  Introduction (
 •  Overview (
 •  Guwahati (


 •  Useful links (

Eduspace - Software

 •  LEOWorks 3 (
 •  ArcExplorer (

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