Porto Velho, Brazil, and its surroundings - Continued


Francisco Paolo do Santos
Francisco Paolo do Santos
A permit is required

Years ago, hoping that the empty North Western Brazil could be colonised, the Brazilian government offered economic contributions to people to move out into the forest and to cut down trees. Nowadays, it is forbidden to settle without a permit.

However, illegal conditions are found here at the border of the civilised world. The Brazilian government has stated that the cutting of trees should end, but this has not happened at all. When the figures for 2003 were published, it was feared they would show that an area of about 20,000 km2 had been deforested in that year.

Paolo do Santos, in spite of his small contribution, is a good example of these illegal situations.

About a year ago, Francisco, Osvaldo Soares, and his brother moved into the forest together with other farmers, and started cutting down the trees. Now Francisco and his companions have formed a small group who are trying to get a permit to settle. These farmers are not the only ones. They are supported by many local politicians, big cattle farmers, and the wood industry, because the cutting of the rainforest is a lucrative activity.

The authorities have started to act. While we are standing and talking with Francisco Paolo do Santos with many of the other farmers, the police appears.

"The judge has decided that the premises should be abandoned. We are here to register how many are living here, " explains police lieutenant Rangel.

The colonisation of Rondonia and other areas of the rainforest are managed by the organisation INCRA. On behalf of the government, INCRA hands out pieces of land to the illegal farmers and decides how many trees may be cut down in the different areas.

Although this is against the rules, many small farmers sell their small lots to the big cattle farmers who then cut down the trees and transform the area into grazing fields for the numerous cattle that are bred in Rondonia. The 'madereiros', that is wood sellers, are also ready to buy land.

"But in a little while we will introduce new rules and people will be sent to jail if they break those rules", Alex Sakai from INCRA in Porto Velho tells us, showing a newspaper article saying that the government has now called the army in to fight against the illegal cutting of the forest.
Porto Velho seen from the river Madeira
Porto Velho seen from the river Madeira
With weapons in their hands

The government knows that it will be very difficult to stop the illegal cutting, because tree cutting and land colonisation often happens with weapons in the people's hands.

"Last year, about 50 persons were killed in such circumstances in Rondonia. But we have to teach people how to farm in a proper way and how to live in harmony with the forest", explains Alex Sakai.

The battle about the forest is not what Francisco Paolo do Santos is thinking about. He just wants to grow his crops in peace.

A prayer to the Lord

Everyday, when I go to bed, I pray the Lord that he let me stay. If not, I must find another place where I can cut trees and settle. A man cannot act without the Lord”.

But maybe more help is on the way?

When we are leaving the small opening in the forest, a couple of lawyers in suits and dark sunglasses appear. Rich politicians and cattle farmers want to help the small illegal farmers so that they can continue to hire them. The governor of the Rondonia State also supports the idea of cutting down a greater part of the forest to give more space to traditional farming, and to create more jobs for the many unemployed persons in the state.

Try to find examples of the cutting of the rainforest like what has been described here.

Try to find examples of large areas for the grazing of cattle.

Compare the photograph with the satellite image of the city of Porto Velho.



Last update: 18 April 2013

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