Bardia Region Overview - Image processing - Part 6

This exercise is divided into eight parts and requires the use of LEOWorks.
Transparent Overlay

The classified image 'Bardia_Landsat_2002_unsup.tif' still has widespread colours. There are many tiny objects that are difficult to distinguish. Contours are useful for a better differentiation of such small objects. Furthermore, contours allow magnification without the disadvantage of the elements becoming blurred. Depending on the requirements, the contours are generated from different images.
Example of a transparent overlay
Example of a transparent overlay
To specify the water surface, for example, the use of an infrared image is reasonable.

Open the 'Bardia_Landsat_2002_Band_4.tif' image

Click 'Bardia_landsat_2002_band_4.tif'. Choose Enhance>Filter>Find Edges>Sobel....

And then Image>Invert....The image will change into a line drawing. Save the image as 'Bardia_landsat_2002_contour_4.tif' in the 'Bardia' folder.

Open the 'Bardia_Landsat_2002_unsup.tif' image and convert it to RGB. Choose Image>Convert to...>Red Green Blue.

Choose Image>Transparent Overlay. Select the contour image 'Bardia_landsat_2002_contour_4.tif' as Background Image and the classified image 'Bardia_Landsat_2002_unsup.tif' as Foreground Image, and use 50% for the opacity.

1. Which classes are framed by polygons?

2. Are the previously described land use classes more visible? If so, what could the reason for that be?

3. Compare the unsupervised classification result with the transparent overlay and assess their usefulness as a thematic map. What is the add-on with the transparent overlay?

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Last update: 16 April 2013

Bardia National Park

 •  Introduction (
 •  Location (
 •  Geology and soil (
 •  Weather and climate (
 •  People and settlements (


 •  Worksheet introduction (
 •  Overview - working on paper prints (
 •  Bardia Region Overview - Image processing (
 •  Landscape and land cover dynamics in the Karnali Floodplain (
 •  Habitat suitability evaluation for rhinoceros in Bardia (

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 •  ArcExplorer (

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