Paper map creation and study of Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant Reserve

This exercise does not require the use of LEOWorks.
The two false colour combination (FCC) satellite images of the KSER are provided in the link on the right. These images are Landsat images with a 432 band combination.

There are two images, one from 1994, and the other from 2003.
Download the and open the following images in pdf format: Landsat_KSER_994.pdf and Landsat_KSER_1994.pdf
Print the maps and study them carefully.
Try to find out the different land use/forest types using tracing paper for both years, and try to examine the changes mainly in the forest area. Describe it in your own words.

A false colour combination of Landsat bands shows vegetation in different shades of red.

Put tracing paper on top of the image from 1994 and try to make a map based on the satellite image. Draw lines and polygons showing:
  • The boundary between the mountain area and the plain
  • The main rivers
  • Agricultural areas
  • The boundary between the forested areas and the arable land
1. Describe your map showing the land cover.

To analyse the changes, put your map on top of the image from 2003.

2. Can you detect changes from 1994 to 2003?

3. What has happened with the forest area?

Describe the forest area in the western part.

4. Describe the pattern of the deforested area.

5. Can you explain the influence of the topography in this pattern?

6. Can the same pattern be observed in the eastern part?

7. Can you explain the reason for this pattern of deforestation?

Measure the extent of deforestation.

8. Using the scale information on the printed maps, make a rough calculation of the area of deforestation.

Consider the consequences of deforestation.

9. Write a small essay explaining the reason for the deforestation, and the consequences for the elephant population.

Download the following high-resolution images for studying on the computer screen: Landsat_KSER_1994.tif and Landsat_KSER_2003.tif
Last update: 16 April 2013

Kameng-Sonitpur Elephant Reserve

 •  Introduction (
 •  Elephant Reserve (
 •  Asian elephant (
 •  Man vs elephant (


 •  Worksheet introduction (
 •  Analysis of satellite images (

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 •  LEOWorks 3 (
 •  ArcExplorer (

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