
False-colour image of Lagos city
False-colour image of Lagos city
Lagos is a fast-growing metropolis. The city is growing so fast that in some areas the authorities are unable to keep pace with the necessary development of the city's infrastructure.

In many cases satellite image interpretation is a relatively cheap and fast method of assessing these problems. The images give a complete overview of the structure of the city, allow surface classifications (e.g. urban, non-urban) and measurements (e.g. distances), and show changes in the city's development. They provide a basis for planning, from the construction of an expanded street network to the determination of new locations for hospitals.

All the following exercises are based on high resolution Landsat 7 ETM+ images. The datasets provide 8 channels which are shown in greyscale and look quite similar. But a lot of differences can be seen when combining 2, 3 or more images.

This case study includes:

  • a background section
  • a worksheet introduction
  • exercises

    You can access them by clicking on the links on the right.

    Last update: 11 April 2013


     •  Background (


     •  Worksheet introduction (
     •  Exercises using Landsat data (
     •  Exercises using Ikonos data (

    Eduspace - Software

     •  LEOWorks 3 (

    Eduspace - Download

     • (
     •  Technical information about Landsat bands (PDF) (