The 968 Km2 park consists of riverine floodplains, flat lowland of the Terai, the Bhabar foot hills, the Churia ridge, and the Babai valley. The altitude varies from 110 m in the flat land of Terai to 1441 m at Sukarmala on the crest of the Churia range. Conservation History The flat land and hills between the Geruawa (eastern branch of Karnali) and the Babai rivers covering 368 km2 was declared the Royal Karnali Wildlife Reserve in 1976, and this area was further gazetted as the Royal Bardia National Park in 1982. In 1986, its area was extended in the east by 600 km2 to include Babai River Valley. During the park extension between 1979 and 1984, a total of 1552 families comprising about 9500 individuals were moved out from the Babai valley and resettled outside the park boundaries. The establishment of the BNP is a major biodiversity conservation effort in the Terai and Churia regions of Nepal. With the restoration of democracy in 2006, the name of the park was changed into Bardia National Park (BNP). Last update: 16 April 2013