Exercise 9 - Simulation of the Foehn situation

Mathematical simulation of the Foehn situation
Mathematical simulation of the Foehn situation, 15-16 March 2000
By feeding a computer programme with some real weather data it is possible to simulate a specific weather situation. Here the 2 days of the Foehn situation of 15 and 16 March 2000 have been reconstructed, with an emphasis on the formation of clouds. It can be compared with Meteosat's records!

View the Mathematical Simulation of the Foehn situation on 15 and 16 March 2000 (by Massimo Pasqui, Lab. for Meteorology and Environmental Modeling LaMMA, Florence).

Download the short movie and run it.
Compare the cloud cover at specific moments with the corresponding Meteosat image (see the Exercise Meteosat images).

Is there a good correspondence? Watch the cloud formations south of the Alps more closely!

Last update: 17 April 2013


 •  Introduction (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMX5TJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Background (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMA6TJTYRF_0.html)


 •  Introduction (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMS6TJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Photos from the plane (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMI7TJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Meteosat images (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMG8TJTYRF_0.html)
 •  NOAA images (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMS8TJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Cloud film (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEME9TJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Surface maps (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMEATJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Jet Stream (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMQATJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Interview with co-pilot (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMCBTJTYRF_0.html)
 •  Find other examples (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Eduspace_Weather_EN/SEMLCTJTYRF_0.html)


 •  Satellite images from Sarepta (http://www.sarepta.org/index.php)
 •  METEOSAT images from EUMETSAT (http://oiswww.eumetsat.org/IPPS/html/MSG/IMAGERY/IR039/BW/index.htm)
 •  Surface maps (http://www.wetterzentrale.de/)
 •  Internet Weather source (http://weather.noaa.gov/weather/ccworld.html)
 •  NOAA (http://www.noaa.gov/)
 •  European weather charts (http://www.meteo.uni-koeln.de/meteo.php?show=En_We_We)
 •  Jet Stream (http://meteorology.lyndonstate.edu/data/web/upperair/jet/globjet.gif)
 •  Forecast Charts for the Jet Stream (http://www.ecmwf.int/products/forecasts/d/charts)


 •  Cloud video (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/FohnFilm.avi)
 •  Lakes of Albani and Nemi video (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/Nemi.avi)
 •  Plains of Po river valley and foothills of the Alps video (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/Alperne.avi)
 •  Cloud cover south of Hanover, Germany video (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/Hannover.avi)
 •  Development of weather systems animation (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/500Hpa.avi)
 •  Interview with co-pilot (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/eduspace/Fohn_26.avi)
 •  Mathematical simulation of foehn
situation, 15-16 March 2000

Eduspace - Download

 •  LEOWorks 3 (http://esamultimedia.esa.int/multimedia/LEOWorks3.exe)