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Article Images
Imagens do Meteosat
Visible channel image, VIS 0.6µm, with some ground observations
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Meteosat Visible channel image, VIS 0.6µm (red). This image of Europe, taken on 21 July 2010, includes some ground observations from Interactive Meteosat.

Credits: EUMETSAT and Interactive Meteosat, ESA/ESRIN
Water vapour channel image, WV 6.2 µm, including  ground observa
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 57 kb)
Water vapour channel image, WV 6.2 µm, including ground observations from Interactive Meteosat. This image of Europe was taken on 21 July 2010, and includes ground observations from Interactive Meteosat.

Credits: EUMETSAT and Interactive Meteosat, ESA/ESRIN
Thermal infrared channel image, IR 10.8, including ground observ
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 89 kb)
Thermal infrared channel image, IR 10.8, of Europe, taken on 21 July 2010. The image includes ground observations from Interactive Meteosat.

Credits: EUMETSAT and Interactive Meteosat, ESA/ESRIN
Colour composite RGB image with some ground observations from In
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 171 kb)
The colour composite RGB image makes use of three channels: VIS0.6, VIS0.8 and NIR1.6. This image of Europe was taken on 21 July 2010, and includes ground observations from Interactive Meteosat.

Credits: EUMETSAT and Interactive Meteosat, ESA/ESRIN

Meteosat Interactivo
Meteosat Interactivo
Informação de Base
Tempo e clima da EuropaDescrição geral do tempo
Introdução da Ficha de TrabalhoExercício 1: Inspeccionar as imagens do MeteosatExercício 2: Localizar os limites meteorológicosExercício 3: Localizar sistemas de baixa pressãoExercício 4: A minha previsão meteorológica
Links Relacionados
Meteosat Interactivo inscrição onlineManual do Utilizador do Meteosat Interactivo
Informações adicionais
Tabela velocidade do vento (pdf)Ligações
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