Letter of invitation

3rd Workshop on International Cooperation for Sustainable Space Exploration

Abbazia di Spineto, Sarteano (Siena), Italy
29 May - 1 June 2007

(This is an invitation only workshop)

Dear ,

Let us, first of all, express our thanks and satisfaction after the very productive meeting organized by JAXA in Kyoto for the finalisation of the “Global Exploration Strategy: The Framework for Coordination” document and the ongoing definition of a Coordination Mechanism through the dedicated work of all concerned Agencies’ representatives.
The 3rd ESA / ASI Workshop in Spineto this year, will be held at a timely moment in order, on one side, to take stock of the consensus and of the momentum built among 14 Space Agencies world-wide and, on the other side, to further define the framework for coordination that will strengthen individual plans and facilitate further international cooperation for space exploration.

The aim of this 3rd Spineto Workshop is to discuss further the elements underpinning the Global Exploration Strategy implementation. In particular, as announced in Kyoto in March, Agencies’ representatives are expected to work towards reaching a consensus on the definition of an international coordination mechanism and delineate the role of an international exploration coordination tool.

We would like to invite you and your Organisation’s representatives you may deem appropriate, to join us at the 3rd ESA/ASI Workshop on International Cooperation for Sustainable Global Space Exploration. The workshop will take place at the renowned Abbazia di Spineto from Tuesday May 29th (arrival of participants) through Friday June 1st around noon.

A draft Agenda is attached for your reference. Further details as well as updates of the Workshop Agenda will be posted, as they become available, on the web site:

This invitation is being forwarded to all 14 space agencies currently involved in the Global Exploration Strategy discussions.

We would appreciate it if you could communicate your preliminary acceptance of this invitation, at your earliest convenience, to Mr. Piero Messina (e-mail: piero.messina@esa.int tel.:+33 6 87715126, fax: +33 1 53697188)

We trust this will represent an important opportunity to continue the dialogue on international cooperation for the advancement of our common goals in space exploration and look forward to meeting you at the Workshop.


D. Sacotte
Director Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration
European Space Agency

S. Di Pippo
Director Observation of the Universe Programmes
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana
Last update: 12 April 2007