Mathematics From the 'reversible' Moebius Strip to the 'Hypermoebius'
The Moebius strip and some of its properties are well-known and will often be demonstrated. Our Moebius strip is not made from paper but consists of small baubles lined up in a row on a flexible thread and connected to each other by small sticks. This means that our Moebius strip, after ´cutting´, may be joined together again. This operation can be considered as a sort of brainteaser. The baubles are being held together by a flexible string, wich demontrates the fundamental principle of Tensegrity objects. A more advanced degree of difficulty will be attained when instead of ´cutting asunder´ our Moebius strip in the middle you take away a third off the edge.
An additional level of difficulty is attained as soon as the Moebius strip is enlarged ´in space´. We have called this ´Hypermoebius´. This is possible with our ´bauble-stick-construction´. Again, it consists of only one rim (the edge) and one side, thus limiting a space instead of only a plane facing the outside. And it can be ´cut asunder´ and put together again at a higher level of complexity. Instructions given above apply accordingly.
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Last update: 17 July 2007