Chemistry ICT in Chemistry: Chemie-CD
The product is a Learn-CD (in German) for the first year in chemistry at upper level schools. The CD contains diverse animations (flash, videos), orders (powerpoint - presentations, word, pdf), interactive tests (hotpotatoes, flash) and a webquest. The webquest “Atomic, Atome, Atomo” represents a project concerning personalities of the 20th century (Marie Curie, Lise Meitner, Hans Erni (most famous Swiss artist of the 20th century; engaged in environment problems), Albert Einstein) and includes the topics radioactivity, isotopes, nuclear fission and the Rutherford atomic model.
The CD may be used online under It exists also an offline-version, which contains more material (above all photographs). The Learn-CD can be ordered by
Franz Steiger
(at cost price 10 Euro, despatch included)
Contact details
Last update: 17 July 2007