ESA title
SMART-1 is only one of ESA's ongoing planetary missions which will be exhibited at the Air Show
Science & Exploration

A journey of space discovery at the Farnborough International Air Show

06/07/2006 842 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration

ESA PR 24-2006. The European Space Agency (ESA), together with the British National Space Centre (BNSC) and UK space industry, will exhibit in the International Space Pavilion at Farnborough International Air Show from 17 to 23 July.

In a joint exhibition area ESA and its partners will feature a real journey of discovery leading visitors into outer space with the spectacular results of its many ongoing planetary missions such as Mars Express, Venus Express, SMART-1 currently in orbit around the Moon and Huygens, which successfully landed on Saturn’s mysterious moon Titan in 2005.

Future European programmes for space exploration to Mars and beyond will be highlighted with a full sized model of the ExoMars rover slated for launch in mid 2011. The model is displayed on a replica of a Martian landscape together with a highly impressive ‘fly-by’ of stunning 3d sequences over the red planet taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board Mars Express.

STS-121 Mission Specialist Thomas Reiter
STS-121 Mission Specialist Thomas Reiter

The journey now takes us a step closer to our planet with a glimpse at the International Space Station and the ongoing Astrolab mission, during which ESA Astronaut Thomas Reiter will stay at the ISS for a long duration mission of 6 months.

Returning to the immediate Earth environment, the visitor will discover the Galileo satellite navigation system, European telecommunications satellites, meteorology satellites MetOp and Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) and the new Sentinel spacecraft, part of the EU/ESA initiative for global monitoring, environment and security (GMES). A spherical projection system will show how satellites can provide a global view of our home planet to monitor critical environmental issues and will serve as a backdrop for ESA’s Earth Explorers, a series of dedicated missions to further our understanding of the Earth system.

Vega launcher (artist’s impression)
Vega launcher (artist’s impression)

The importance for Europe of having independent access to space will become clear to visitors. Europe can be proud of its autonomous space transportation system, with the heavy launcher Ariane 5, ESA’s new launcher Vega for placing small satellites into space, and cooperation with Russia on the medium-size Soyuz launcher, soon to be exploited from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana.

In 2006 the International Space Pavilion will have the theme “How space affects our everyday life”. This theme will be reflected in a special interactive feature area in the hall.

ESA, BNSC, industry, research establishments and other international space agencies will participate in a series of high-level space conferences organised and led by UK space industry. Speakers include Lord Sainsbury, UK Minister for Science and Innovation, Jean Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General, and other senior level experts.

The conferences will cover such topics as Climate Change (Tuesday 18 July), the International future of Space (Wednesday 19 July, with Lord Sainsbury and top representatives of Space Agencies of the most prominent space faring countries) and Satellite Navigation (Thursday 20 July). A detailed programme is attached with the registration form to be filled in by media representatives wishing to attend the various sessions.

For more information, please contact:

Wendy Slater, ESA Communication Department
Phone: + 33 1 53 69 74 18

Main space-related conferences to be held at Farnborough International
Venue: International Space Pavilion Conference Theatre
Media accreditation form


First name: _____________ Surname:______________________Media: _________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________Tel:___________________________ Fax: ___________________ Mobile :_______________________ E-mail: ________________ 

I will be attending the following sessions:

(  ) Monday 17 July 11:00-12:30
“Business Opportunities from Space – a commercial morning with ESA”. Organised by ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme, Business Incubation initiative and ISS Commercialisation Division. It will promote the industrial utilisation of space-based infrastructures and of space-derived applications. Presentations will illustrate new opportunities in the areas of research, technology transfer, promotion and satellite applications and introduce several business networks.

(  ) Tuesday 18 July 10:00-12:30
“Climate Change: Space contribution to understanding and mitigation”. Keynote speakers and experts will discuss climate change policy and implementation, measurement and prediction of climate change, the socio-economic impacts of climate change and how using space tools can assist mitigation, future space missions, and a global observation mission for climate change (GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security).

(  ) Wednesday 19 July 10:30-11:30
“An international future for Space”. Expected speakers: Lord Sainsbury, UK Minister for Science and Innovation; Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General; Mike Griffin, NASA Administrator; Anatoly Perminov, Director General Roscosmos, Kaoru Mamiya, Vice President JAXA.
The session is organised by UKspace and PPARC, and will be chaired by David Williams, BNSC Director General.

(  ) Thursday 20 July 10:00-12:30
“Satellite Navigation”. A panel of high level speakers from ESA, UK Government, the Galileo Concession Consortium and institutional users. The international dimension of global navigation satellite systems is emphasized through a representative from Lockheed Martin.

Please fax this form back by 12 July to:
Anne-Marie Rémondin,
ESA Media Relations Office
Fax. + 33 1 5369 7690

Additional note: Journalists wishing to attend the Air show will also need to apply for accreditation:

Before 10 July - visit to apply online.

After 10 July - Journalists can be accredited at the Air show by bringing proof of identification and proof of working in the media to Gate A. Shuttle buses from the car park and the train stations arrive into Gate A.

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