ESA title
Chancellor Merkel participated in a Columbus farewell ceremony in May 2006
Science & Exploration

Astronauts to call German Chancellor

14/02/2008 238 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Columbus

Today at 15:55 CET (14:55 UT), astronauts from the STS-122 and Expedition 16 crews will talk to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. ESA astronauts Hans Schlegel and Léopold Eyharts will participate in the call which is the first live event from inside the European Columbus laboratory. Follow the call live on NASA TV.

The participants inside Columbus will be STS-122 Commander Steve Frick, STS-122 Mission Specialists Hans Schlegel and Daniel Tani, Expedition 16 Commander Peggy Whitson and Expedition 16 Flight Engineers Yuri Malenchenko and Léopold Eyharts.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be joined at the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, in Berlin, by Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General. Thomas Reiter, Member of German Aerospace Center Executive Board and former ISS Expedition crewmember, will act as moderator for the call.

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