ESA title
ExoMars rover
Science & Exploration

5th Pasteur newsletter is online

24/10/2006 416 views 0 likes
ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / Exploration

The fifth edition of the Pasteur newsletter is now available on the ESA's Aurora Programme website. It is structured in a series of short reports covering the development of Pasteur, ESA’s ExoMars mission instrument payload to search for traces of past and present life on Mars, and to identify surface hazards to future human missions.

This edition focuses on developments over the last year, including a brief summary of the outcome of the Second Pasteur Working Groups Meeting. It also explains the new Advisory structure of the Directorate of Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration, addresses various issues of relevance to the mission's science and introduces the Payload Confirmation Review (PCR) procedure.

Additionally, in this issue of the newsletter, we briefly describe the activities that will be undertaken to prepare for the ExoMars Implementation Review (IRev). The outcome of this review will have important consequences for the ExoMars mission and its scientific output.

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