ESA title
Science & Exploration

The Space Travel Agency

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

Language (reading, writing)
2 star   hat

Preparation: Ask your parents to get brochures and leaflets from a travel agency and bring them to the class


  1. Have a look at the brochures and leaflets that you have. How do they present the holidays trips? Do they use a lot of pictures? What kind of information do they include? Which trip do you find most attractive? Why?
  2. Split the class into groups of four. Each group prepares a brochure or a leaflet to promote one special space trip. Some ideas of trips could be:
    • One-week trip to a Space Station to observe the Earth
    • One-week trip to a Space Station to observe the stars
    • One-week trip to a Mars City
    • One-week round trip of the Milky Way, with stopovers at Venus, Mars, Jupiter…

Conclusions: Each team presents its trip to the rest of the class as if in front of potential future travellers. The other students can ask further details.

Putting the contributions from all the teams together, you can create the “Space Travel Agency” brochure of the year 2124.

Openings: Do you like to travel? Why? Which trip(s) have you made? Have you ever been to another country? Where would you like to go in the future?